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Guest authors

A number of guest authors, from scientists to artists, contribute to our blog, taking you behind the scenes, exploring the incredible objects in our collection, our award-winning exhibitions and the scientific achievements making headlines today.

Science Museum volunteer Dr. Robin Hiley explores the story of Marguerite Perey, the chemist who discovered the element Francium and was the first woman to be elected to the prestigious French Académie des Sciences.

Samson Akichem Lokele is a travelling eye doctor who works for the international charity Sightsavers. He talks about his work treating trachoma in the remote Turkana region of northern Kenya.

Historian of medicine Annie Thwaite explores the rich and complex history of amulets and their connection to medicine.

Dr Jo Gooding, founder and director of Design Research Associates, reflects on how her historical research on National Health Service (NHS) glasses has inspired her current mission to support innovation in disability-related design.

Dr. Dimitrios Adamos and Dr. Stefanos Zafeiriou from the Department of Computing, Imperial College London explore how brain waves can tell you about the music you listen to as part of a Live Science residency at the Science Museum that ran from February – March 2020.

Ahead of Science City Lates on 26 February, Participation Assistant Audrey Aidoo-Davies discusses an exciting project she’s been running with curator Alexandra Rose and some young makers of today.

‘These devices still appear alarming to us today; no wonder ten-year-old Daphne was scared at being told she actually had to lie inside it…’
Research Fellow Farrah Lawrence-Mackey explores the story of a special Iron Lung she came across while carrying out research in the Science Museum Group stores.