I’m Curator of Scientific Instruments at the Science Museum in London. The objects I’m responsible for range from Elizabethan weights to electron microscopes and from demonstration apparatus made for King George III to equipment used for school science lessons in the 1980s. I’m particularly interested in stories of use and how objects fit into the wider context of knowledge sharing.
The most famous watch in the world, Breguet’s No. 160 which was made for Marie Antoinette, is to go on display in the Versailles: Science and Splendour exhibition. Keeper of Science Jane Desborough reveals the story behind this exceptional timepiece.
Sir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician who is now widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time but what was his connection to the Royal Mint?
This week, the kilogram will be redefined. But what does this mean for scientists and engineers, and for those of us beyond the science lab? Dr Jane Desborough, Curator of Scientific Instruments, explains more.
Jane Desborough, Associate Curator of Science explores our collection of Robert Hooke microscopes as we celebrate 350 years since the publication of a truly remarkable book.