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Roger Highfield

Roger Highfield is the Science Director at the Science Museum Group, a member of the UK's Medical Research Council and a visiting professor at the Dunn School, University of Oxford, and Department of Chemistry, UCL. He studied Chemistry at the University of Oxford and was the first person to bounce a neutron off a soap bubble. Roger was the Science Editor of The Daily Telegraph for two decades, and the Editor of New Scientist between 2008 and 2011. He has written or co-authored ten popular science books, most recently Stephen Hawking: Genius at Work, and has had thousands of articles published in newspapers and magazines.

A milestone international survey of public attitudes conducted for the museum reveals concern about food waste but widespread lack of understanding about the link between food production and climate change. Roger Highfield, Science Director, reports.

Roger Highfield, Science Director, celebrates a milestone in reading the entire complement of human DNA, or genome, which reveals a hidden landscape of human genetics.

As the Science Museum launches an exhibition about capturing climate-warming carbon dioxide, a new analysis shows investing in ecosystems could help cool the planet in the latter part of this century, but only if we act now. Science Director, Roger Highfield describes the new work, and a method to turn carbon dioxide into greener plastics.

The next generation of high-performance computers might see a return of the oldest form of all, analogue computing, according to a paper published today, coauthored by Science Director, Roger Highfield.

Science Director Roger Highfield describes an event with the distinguished chemist Sir John Meurig Thomas to celebrate the UK’s pioneering role in using X-rays to understand the molecular machinery of living things.