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Sophia Oelman works on the conservation team for Information Age, a brand new gallery about the last 200 years of communication and information technology, opening this autumn. There are a huge range of exciting objects being prepared for the Information Age gallery. As one of the six conservators working on the project, I have the privilege of cleaning, documenting and repairing the objects before they go on public display. My favourite object is the Super Selector Radio Receiver, made around 1927 in London by Selectors […]

Charlotte Connelly is a content developer on Information Age, an exciting new gallery about information and communication, opening in September 2014. This week over in the Information Age team we passed an exciting marker. Instead of counting the time to the gallery opening in years, for the first time we’ve slipped into counting in weeks and months. It seemed like a good opportunity to reflect on what we’ve done so far, and some of the interesting things we still have to […]

Belinda Li and Jessica Martin are Museum Studies interns working on the Information Age gallery. Hi! I’m Belinda. I’m currently studying for a Master’s Degree in Museum Studies from the University of Leicester. This is our sixth week out of our eight week placement. The purpose of the placement is to give us professional experience in the museums sector. We are working on the Information Age gallery that is scheduled to be opened in September 2014. This experience has shown […]

Geoff Chapman is a volunteer working on Information Age, a new gallery about communication and information opening in 2014. Hi, I’m Geoff and I’m a volunteer in the team developing the Information Age gallery. I’ve been investigating the early days of experimental wireless communication prompted by a box of mainly 1910’s and 1920’s letters, documents and photographs. Early radio amateurs were also known as experimenters, and in the UK they were issued with licences for experimental purposes. In April 1913 the […]