Roger Highfield, Science Director and member of the Longitude Committee, discusses the long-sought winner of the Prize, announced today in the Science Museum.
Genetic Resource Collection Curator at the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International, Matthew Ryan, explores Fleming’s Penicillium and the potential of microorganisms.
We explore alien bacteria, the most likely alien life form we are to find, and how their existence could impact the scientific community.
Digital Editor at the Longitude Prize, Shae Harmon, takes us behind the scenes of her new documentary, ‘Fighting Superbugs in India’.
From dragon’s blood to your own faeces, we explore seven unusual places you might not think to look for the next wave of antibiotics.
Dr Abdul Ghafur explored the future of antibiotic resistance at the Science Museum Illuminating India Lates.
Will Stanley describes the launch of the Science Museum’s latest exhibition, Superbugs: The Fight For Our Lives.
From Neisseria gonorhoeae to living in space, did you know these 7 facts about bacteria?