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By a guest author

Citizen Science

Shazia Ali-Webber is a founder of I Like Clean Air is one of the case studies being explored as part of the Science Museum’s new exhibition, Beyond the Lab: The DIY Science Revolution. I Like Clean Air is a group of London families campaigning for cleaner air in the city. I joined with other families to set up this group because I was concerned about the dangerous levels of air pollution where my children go to school and play. In […]

By a guest author

Health Hacking

Type 1 Diabetes is a condition that needs to be managed around the clock. Ask anyone who has managed this condition for an extended amount of time and you will hear that the main challenges are not the multiple daily injections, or even the invasive blood testing, but the mental pressure to keep track of your blood sugars, treatments, medication calculations and the relentless effort to keep this never-ending juggling act going.

Ask most people what is worrying them and their answer is often personal. Ask leading thinkers and you could end up worried yourself.
The latter was put to today’s greatest science minds for this year’s annual Edge question.

After learning about the manufacturing process of bread during a bread baking course Pippa Murray got to thinking about what other mass produced products used in our day to day lives have evolved in order to save us time… Traditionally bread making is a lengthy process. Hours of kneading, proving and baking produce just one meagre loaf. It’s no wonder that so many of us choose to buy a loaf from the shops instead of making it ourselves! The invention of […]