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Taking a child to visit the Science Museum can inspire a life-time of interest in science. Explore the role events like Early Birds, science shows in Wonderlab: The Statoil Gallery or the amazing objects that fill the Museum play in entertaining and educating the whole family.

Jared Keller, a researcher and former Science Museum Explainer, discusses some of our hidden objects and the science behind them.  Today we’re looking at the Sound Section of Launchpad and one of my favourite exhibits, “Sound Bite”. If you’re a bit rusty on your Sound Bite science, there is an old BBC refresher course on the principles of sound travelling through a medium/solid. The important thing to remember is that sound waves can travel through a solid material like a […]

Ghostly goings on dominated our Flight gallery last Friday as over 400 corporate members and members of the museum dusted off their finest spooky outfits to join the Development Team for their annual Halloween Evening.

Journalist Annalisa Barbieri and other experts will be on hand at our ‘Green Babies’ workshop this Thursday to answer questions from new and expectant parents about how to reduce your baby’s carbon footprint and environmental impact.

Entertaining stampeding children, discussing the complexities of the human mind, and making people marvel at incredible illusions – all part of a day’s work at Lottolab

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