Fancy watching Robert Hooke and Isaac Newton dressed up in sumo costumes to wrestle over who truly discovered gravity? Well that’s the kind of thing that happens in Science Museum Live – and the second season is starting in January 2012.
Taking a child to visit the Science Museum can inspire a life-time of interest in science. Explore the role events like Early Birds, science shows in Wonderlab: The Statoil Gallery or the amazing objects that fill the Museum play in entertaining and educating the whole family.

A pencil that does your homework for you, clouds that rain chocolate and a levitating chair – just a few of the ingenious inventions that have been dreamt up by visitors to our Launchpad gallery.
There’s a keyboard player and a drummer ready to play some uplifting tunes below a giant disco ball. No, I’m not talking about a 1970s inspired Glee episode. I am of course talking about our Garden interactive gallery!
We love receiving letters from our visitors. In this letter, a girl called Molly asked us to track the adventures of ‘Flat Stanley’ for a school project.
Our Pattern Pod interactive gallery for kids aged 5 to 8 is all about patterns. Patterns that you can see, hear and touch.

Hamster-powered vegetable gardens, multi-tasking hats with limbs and rubber-producing clouds. Our visitors are a creative lot. Check out some of the crazy contraptions they’ve come up with.
Giant Cockroaches giving tours of the Museum? Find out what they’ve got to say for themselves.

Last week we welcomed a group of space pioneers into the Museum to try out our new space trail. Find out what they thought

This summer, from 23 July – 31 August, we’re inviting families to spend their summer holiday in space.

What are disco-dancing music shoes and stomping robot ponies doing in the Science Museum?

In the run-up to the 50th anniversary of the first man in space the Science Museum’s Yuri Gagarin (drama character) has kindly agreed to blog about how he was selected and trained for his mission to space.