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Taking a child to visit the Science Museum can inspire a life-time of interest in science. Explore the role events like Early Birds, science shows in Wonderlab: The Statoil Gallery or the amazing objects that fill the Museum play in entertaining and educating the whole family.

Fancy watching Robert Hooke and Isaac Newton dressed up in sumo costumes to wrestle over who truly discovered gravity? Well that’s the kind of thing that happens in Science Museum Live – and the second season is starting in January 2012.

Hamster-powered vegetable gardens, multi-tasking hats with limbs and rubber-producing clouds. Our visitors are a creative lot. Check out some of the crazy contraptions they’ve come up with.

In the run-up to the 50th anniversary of the first man in space the Science Museum’s Yuri Gagarin (drama character) has kindly agreed to blog about how he was selected and trained for his mission to space.

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