The next time you visit the Museum, not only can you witness the great exhibits and events we have on offer, you can also meet famous scientists and other characters throughout history! (Well, kind of…). Unfortunately, we haven’t invented a time machine but you can meet Sir Isaac Newton, the world’s first pregnant man and even some giant cockroaches, which are just a few characters brought to life everyday by actors inside the Museum.

Today I met Sir Isaac Newton (not the real one obviously, the actor’s name is Guy) who invented the cat-flap, named the colours of the rainbow and of course thought a lot about gravity:
Chi: Sir Isaac Newton?
Newton: Oh, call me Isaac please! What a fascinating emporium this place is. Marvellous!
Chi: Yes, thank you, um, Isaac. So, these toys you have here… ?
Newton: Toys? These, Sir, are my scientific apparatus!
Chi: Really?
Newton: Well, do you like to experiment?
Chi: Yeah!
Newton: May I recommend “The Early Learning Centre” then, marvellous place! Take this pink ball, for example. Smell it.
Chi: Huh?
Newton: Experiment, Sir. You seem rather hard to convince. Rather like the Royal Society, I might add. Go on, smell it.
Chi: It sort of smells like strawberries…?
Newton: Yes, very peculiar, isn’t it? So if I roll it along the ground like so – excuse me, Sir, you’re somewhat in the way. Thank you – why does it come to a standstill? Don’t you go to bed at night and worry about strawberry smelling objects coming to a standstill?
Chi: Errr…no.
Newton: Oh, is it just me then? Well, does it stop because it smells of strawberries?
Chi: Well, no…
Newton: Ha! You see. You already have a theory on why it stops. Clearly you are a natural philosopher. Marvellous! Everyone is. Also, take a look at my cheeseboard over here…
Chi: Erm, it’s a skateboard.
Newton: Really? I thought it was a cheeseboard. After all, it’s yellow. And has wheels on it so you can push it along the table. Marvellous!
Explainer Fact: Fancy meeting Sir Isaac Newton and other drama characters? Check the Science Museum website for further details. School groups can book their own drama character session.
Many thanks to Guy for his enormous contribution.