This week (17 August) we celebrated an incredible autumn of culture when we hosted London & Partners’ official unveiling of London’s Autumn Season.

We were joined by the Mayor of London, thirteen cultural institutions and hundreds of guests to showcase the unmissable cultural events taking place across the city this autumn.
The Mayor praised London’s world class cultural institutions and highlighted that culture is part of the city’s DNA, before introducing Sir Quentin Blake, who shared his own artistic representation of London and culture.
Our director, Ian Blatchford, welcomed guests to the Museum via video from Brazil, where he was promoting the UK’s vibrant cultural sector at the Rio Cultural Olympiad. While in Brazil, the Museum further strengthened its partnership with the Museum of Tomorrow.
The Science Museum is set to open two stunning new galleries this autumn – Wonderlab: The Statoil Gallery and Mathematics: The Winton Gallery. Opening in October, Wonderlab is a spectacular new interactive experience which aims to inspire the next generation to think like scientists and wonder at the world around them. Mathematics – the only Museum gallery to be designed by the world-renowned Zaha Hadid Architects – will explore how mathematicians, their tools and ideas have transformed the modern world when it opens this December.
Hosted by Lucy Worsley, Chief Curator at Historic Royal Palaces, the event featured speeches from Jude Kelly CBE, Artistic Director of the Southbank Centre, on the importance of access and inclusion in the arts, and Amma Asante, a writer and director whose latest film will open this year’s BFI London film festival.
Guests at the event were treated to a live performance from spoken word poet LA Salami and the premier of a short film capturing the spirit of the 2016 autumn season.
Joining the Science Museum in previewing their autumn season were thirteen London cultural institutions, including our neighbours the Natural History Museum, Victoria & Albert Museum, Design Museum and the Museum of London, Royal Academy of Arts, British Museum, English National Ballet, Courtauld Gallery, Geffrye Museum, Guildhall Art Gallery, Imperial War Museum, Tate Modern and Tate Britain.
Discover the highlights of London’s Autumn Season here.
Will Stanley is Senior Communications Officer at the Science Museum.