Meet Jon, the man tasked with making Lates great.
Punk Science boys – Jon’s on the left standing like a heroHe’s been working away on the programme for this month’s Space-themed Lates (Wednesday 27 April 6.45 – 10pm) but he’s taken a break to tell us what he’s got in store…
We’re all really excited about this Month’s Lates inspired by the Science of Space. The real star is Yuri Gagarin and most of what we’re running will have some sort of link to celebrate the anniversary of him being the first man in space 50 years ago.
We’ll have Gagarin himself (well an actor playing him) in on the night as well as amazing tour of the exploring Space gallery given by Senior Curator Doug Millard. I could listen to him talking about space the entire night, so it’s a shame I’ll busy working.
We also have a talk from Prof Ian Morison about the Russian domination of the space race. Chris Riley will be joining us to talk about his new documentary film “First Orbit” charting Gagarin’s epic journey around the earth, and he’ll be popping down to the Museum shop to sign copies of his book at 9.30pm. Also, in the shop this month will be Vix Southgate signing copies of her book on Yuri Gagarin.
There’s also a fantastic talk on space food in which there’ll be a chance to look at the real thing and taste some too.
Punk Science fans (all 2 or 3 of you) need not fret as they are back in action at this month’s Lates with more of the sort of stuff of that thing that they do.
Only one Pub Quiz this time round so make sure you get there early.
Plus there’s tours galore including a look round the new gallery James Watt and our world, Who Am I? and Challenge of Materials.
PS This is sort of stuff of that thing that Punk Science do.
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