Do you have an everyday problem you wish someone could solve? Annoyed by cartons that don’t pour properly or people talking too loudly on public transport?
Well now is your chance to share those everyday irritations with our inventor in residence, Mark Champkins. If you’re lucky he’ll take on the challenge of solving it for you!

All you have to do is Tweet us your problem including the hashtag #whatsyourproblem or send us an email to:
Mark will select one of your problems and then we’ll chart his progress (successes and failures) as he tries to come up with an invention to help solve your woes.
By entering you will also be in with the chance to win membership of the Museum and a copy of 1001 Inventions that Changed the World.
Visit our website for more information and the competitions terms and conditions. You have until 31 October to enter, so spread the word and let’s solve some problems!